From top leadership to the newest employee – driving immense value at every level of your organization.

Parone and her partners help organizations improve customer and employee retention, raise accountability, reduce wasted time, and focus on what matters most to meet their goals.

About Us

Irma Parone – Founder & CEO

Irma Parone is a consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. She earned her Certification in Organizational Development from the Institute of Organizational Development and is a graduate of the Industrial Relations Studies Program at Cornell University.

For 15 years, immediately before forming the PARONE GROUP, Irma held the position of Senior Regional Vice President for a large security company with 4,000 employees within four regions. She served as the senior vice president overseeing the southeast region that included six (6) branches, 1,200 employees, and hundreds of customers.

When she departed the firm to form the Parone Group, her region was the top-performing region in the company. Of the 23 company branches, Irma’s team held six of the top seven awards for staffing excellence and captured the best customer retention percentages in the company. Her team also reduced employee turnover by 27%.

Earlier in her career, Irma was asked to assume responsibility for a troubled location suffering a 51.8% customer retention rate earlier in her career. However, in slightly over 12 months, Parone and her team turned that customer retention percentage to an impressive 93%. This troubled location was at a large national security company with a workforce of over 50,000 employees.


Irma’s passion for culture started years ago. As one example, Irma noticed that Southwest Airlines’ low prices and excellent, fun service blew away their competition during her frequent flights. Curious about how a lower-paying airline managed to retain and engage outstanding employees, Irma asked SWA for permission to visit and learn. Her professionalism won her that opportunity —  she was extremely impressed…and learned much! When Irma talks about this experience, she almost glows: “Watching their unique way of welcoming and preparing new hires for their mission was invigorating!”

Since then, she has visited, researched, studied, and talked to many companies with great processes including Ritz-Carlton, Mindvalley, and many others. Says Parone: “It is my passion to learn about the innovative customer retention policies of quality companies…then help other companies incorporate those lessons learned! “——

She also believes in a strong commitment to each team player’s ongoing development. After all, Parone says, “These are the people in front of your customers every single day”.

According to Parone, based on all of her experiences and as outlined in her upcoming book WINX, taking a triangular look when solving problems is the winning juice. It’s ok to take care of yourself, she says. That’s one happy person. But when you and every team member make critical decisions considering the needs of your clients, your employees, and your company, it’s hard to lose! Three wins, very powerful! Sound too simplistic? Think about the results when any one of the three becomes dissatisfied.

She guides your firm’s teams to ensure that critical decisions consider the Needs of Three: your clients, your employees, and your company.  Sound simplistic? Which direction does the revenue go when any one of those three groups isn’t working?


Contact us to speak (see ) or for consulting view our SERVICES page. Either way, let the journey begin with Parone Group.