Is Being Too Nice Getting Your Employees Fired?

I work with numerous clients who have (or hopefully HAD – past tense) employee problems.   They thought being nice was the way to hold on to their team. They confused…


Preparing for Year-End Performance Reviews? Consider This!

Many managers dread year-end performance reviews – as they should. Why?  Simon Sinek recently posted a video on the most important trait of a leader. Courage, he claimed, was #1….


Unintended Consequences of this “DO GOOD Employer”

I have written about this client due to her generosity and kindness. This article is different.    It is about the unintended consequences of her actions. Read on!   One of many stories…


The Most Neglected Customer Service Rule: And It’s So Easy!

I thought about one of my favorite quotes the other morning. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never…


Wake Up: Make Eye Contact and Smile!

Business owners, do you see them? Are you paying attention to their persona? Who hired them? Who trained them? Who supervises them?


Stop Losing: Get Out Of Your Own Way!

You are the CEO of your life so think like one and create your destiny.


HATE Your Job? STOP That & LOVE This.

Our jobs form a major part of adult life. Money earned from work helps to put food on the table and pay for housing and other essentials. If you don’t love what you do, you are probably in the wrong role but let’s go over a few STOP and TRY ideas.


High-Value Employee Success: Who Is In Charge?

Be the example your company will be proud of and your customer will love!

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Who Is Holding You Back?

This article was authored by Dick Friedman, a Senior Process Design Consultant who provided support to our leadership team through my previous employer.  Dick now provides support to my customers through the…

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Taking A Walk, on FIRE

  March 22, 2016 I have followed Tony Robbins on and off throughout the years, knowing one day I would find the time and opportunity (actually at the same time)…
