This may be the end of a polarizing election, but it will also be the beginning of a new chapter. I wish there were a magic wand to make all the negativity go away but so far, no luck in finding any such tool.
Problem-solving is what I do, yet I am at a loss, kinda! I know this is pollyannish, but I felt compelled to post it so here goes.
I respect your choice! Now let’s get down to the real work. Supporting our country. At the end of this historic day, regardless of who wins consider what I am calling (for lack of a better name) a ‘Promote Synergy’ effort. The best hope is for the parties to listen to each other and find synergistic ways to win.
Don’t like that? Well, listen up. No party will get 100% of their wants. It’s just impossible. Period. That means even if your candidate wins, there must be negotiation. That’s right, give and take. If your expectations are higher than that, prepare yourself. There is, however, one way to improve on negotiation and that is to find synergy.
SYNERGY: The interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, etc.; synergism.
There are brilliant people on both sides. If they would work to find solutions greater than each brought to the table – and give each other equal credit, well that is the best scenario for the country. At least that is my opinion.
So as you carefully consider your strategy or ‘position’ after tomorrow, please at least think through my thoughts and in fact my goals;
1. Support the President-elect – regardless of my choice
2. If I am going to fight for something, I will fight for synergy
3. Stop my negative talk (in my head or out of my mouth)
4. When I hear others speaking negatively, I will either walk away or ask them to Promote Synergy
5. I will keep our nation in my prayers
I know how hard it will be to support someone you may have literally hated. But remember that support does not always mean to agree. These are two different words with two different meanings. Anger and hate don’t fix things. If you can’t imagine changing from anger to support, ask yourself how your actions will help our country.
Synergy wins all around. Demand it from both parties.
We DO still have a choice. There will always be problems. How we choose to address them is where the rubber meets the road.
See you ‘on the other side’ as they say! And regardless, God Bless the USA.
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