Are you frustrated with your employees, boss, board of directors, or even partner? Bixby is our newest team member. As the CCO (Chief Calming Officer), his job is to help us take a breath and reassess our thoughts.
He recommends that we take a breath, stop anger, and focus on what we want. And then spend our energy and time to make that happen.
He asks questions such as; is your ego getting in the way of making the right decision? Are you hurt? We all know that hurt people literally hurt other people! We also know that does not help anyone, including us! Are we looking at options outside our immediate view? There are many options if we don’t get tunnel vision. Reach out to other people, even other industries.
Find your Bixby. Your CCO and display him ( her, or they) and take a step back. Your decisions just might be much easier if you take a pause.
PS Feel free to display Bixby as your CCO, as long as you don’t steal him!
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