Communication Development Employee Accountability Employee Engagement

What Is The BEST Way To Engage Employees?

March 7, 2016

Irma Parone

Better asked, what are four words that make an employee’s day?  Well, there are so many important things to say:  Thank you.  Excellent job.  Good morning.  Welcome back.  All (assuming sincere) are very powerful, right?  Well here is what I believe to be the best or pretty darn close for many reasaons.  Drum roll, please?????  Ok, here it is “What do you think?”

What do the words WHAT DO YOU THINK really say?  A lot!  Here are just a few:  I value your opinion. I value you. You are knowledgeable.  You are important.  I need you.  I am glad you are on our team.

And anohter valuable benefit?  They probably have great suggestions.  I am one of those idea generators.  I loved all of my ideas, but they were not all great.

My team was great.  I always ran ideas by them, and they made them much better than mine ever could have been.

As the leader, there are things we do with or without consensus.  That does not mean we should not ask questions and get feedback.  Further, the outcome we require can be reached in many different ways.

Ask questions, seek input.  You will be shocked at how many great ideas your employees can generate if given the opportunity.

I also loved chatting with new employees about ideas in general. Especially someone fresh to the industry.  You see, their value is that they have not yet been prejudiced by the ‘we have always done it this way’ syndrome.

I have honestly heard a couple of new employee ideas that were knock your socks off great.  Just be open to their thoughts.  They might be outside the box. However, that just might be where you find the genius strategies that put the WOW in your operation.

Get your team involved; it’s a win-win and when processes improve from that synergy what happens? Those that know me know where I am going right?   Wait for it.  Here it comes: Win Win Win

“Win-win-win” is the philosophy of Parone Group.   When you can find the right systems and scenarios for your client, your company and employees, you just can’t lose!

Do you need to up your game with your employees, your processes or your customers?

Call Parone Group at 954-464-6689

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