Five Steps to Create a Safe Place for Employee Feedback

If you’re seeking feedback, it’s essential to make the person giving it feel safe. Without that sense of safety, people may not be willing to provide honest feedback, and you…


Simple Ways You Can Delight Your Customers, Employees, Networking Buddies, and Friends

How often do you ask questions and then really consider the answers? How are you? How is your family? What do you need NOW? How can I best support you?…


Dread Asking for Employee Feedback?

Below is an excerpt from the book WINX – The Problem Solving Model to Win Exponentially with Customers, Employees & Your Bottom Line. If you prevent people from providing feedback…


Smile. Be That Person Others Want in Their Circle

Have you ever noticed how certain people can light up your day? They can exude happiness (and possibly fun) in almost every encounter. The entire atmosphere changes when they are…


Stop Questioning Yourself with Irritating Employees. Do This, Then Make a Decision!

Are you irritated with an employee? Then make a decision. Before you do, ask questions. Start with a conversation—one on one.  Not an argument.  Not finger-pointing or yelling.  Make an…


The Little Guys in the Big Corporate World Fuel Success

I was intrigued when I visited CEO Vicky Samuelson of HG Doctors, now with facilities in Coral Springs (Coral Springs Medical & Dental), Hallandale Beach (Hallandale Medical Center), and Delray…


Is Being Too Nice Getting Your Employees Fired?

I work with numerous clients who have (or hopefully HAD – past tense) employee problems.   They thought being nice was the way to hold on to their team. They confused…


Confused with ratings that stink, when you provide kick-butt results?

Confused about poor customer reviews?  I referred someone (lets call him John) to an  Attorney that was exceptional. I personally used his services when moving my ill mother to Florida. …


After the Storm – Retaining Credibility with Customers

“Earning trust is critical – even when the message is difficult” – Irma Parone


Difficulty Disciplining Employees? Try This Option!

You can’t make people accountable – only they can do that.  But, you can sure create a paradigm shift that creates winning outcomes.
