Our jobs form a major part of adult life. Money earned from work helps to put food on the table and pay for our home and other essentials. If you don’t love what you do, you are probably in the wrong role but let’s go over a few STOP and TRY suggestions.
- Don’t work for a company, or in a career you hate.
- Don’t burn bridges; you may need to cross them again.
- Don’t think an employer will want to keep you if you are not bringing value.
- Don’t think that any company is perfect.
- Don’t think you are perfect.
- And for everyone’s sake, (yes including yours) don’t quit and stay! If you are going to stay, focus on the fix. If you are going to quit, put in a professional and timely notice.
- Break down the ‘breakdown.’ Do you hate your role? Or your boss? Or do you lack of skill, knowledge or tools?
- Do take responsibility for your actions, or lack of action. You know what you can improve, do it!
- List what help you need to be successful. If you feel comfortable communicating with your boss, ask for help. If you don’t, find a coach or counselor. But DO figure it out. We spend way too much time at work to be miserable. You are worth much more in life. If you need a recommendation, I can refer you to someone.
- If you don’t know your strengths, find someone who can help you. I work with someone that is great at this, so reach out if you would like that contact information as well. Working with your strengths is a great way to choose and excel in a career you love.
- Do continue to develop. The highest paid millionaires list ongoing development as one of the six keys to success.
- Leave on good terms, Do your absolute best until you walk out that final day. And then, say thank you!
Many of us have personal issues we are dealing with, and some of these matters make it impossible to be on the top of our game. That does not make us bad, just torn.
I was torn not all that long ago. Not because I was unhappy. I loved my job. After I had moved my ill mother from Pittsburgh to Florida near me, I struggled with work travel. I went back and forth on my decision.
Was the thought of leaving scary? ABSOLUTELY. I had two choices.
1) I could ruin my reputation, by ‘staying (on the payroll) yet quit (or slow down in my case) – or –
2) I could realize that my personal reputation, as well as my company, could be negatively affected if I say, and choose to leave.
Sooooooo what happened? As scary as it was, after 15 years of a position I loved, I resigned. I told my boss I would stay as long as he needed me, but it was time for a new chapter.
Everything worked out great. I now am the President & CEO of my own company. I make my schedule fit the time I need to be with mom. I am not yet making the money I made as an executive, but I chose that route and wrapped my head around the need to adjust my spending. Further, I know I will get there because I am doing what I am good at, and love. It energizes me.
One final DON’T
Don’t expect your company to pay for your personal issues. It was not my companies fault that my mom was sick.
One final TRY
Respect yourself enough to find the job or role that drives you, and an employer who can best utilize and appreciate your strengths. And do your absolute best regardless. You are paid to be there anyway, why not go to work with a positive disposition?
Oh, and realize that you just might be in the right place. Remember, no company is perfect. There is a blog on my website titled ‘Who Is Listening – High-Value Service At It’s Best.’
It is a great read, and at the bottom of that article, you will see two quotes. The first is from Jim Dunn, General Manager of JM Lexus, followed by my response.
“We are not perfect, and probably will never be! But we will never stop the effort! ”– Jim Dunn
I trumped Mr. Dunn’s quote
“NO company is or will ever be perfect, but what makes JM Lexus great, is that you never stop the effort.” – Irma Parone
With every relationship, there WILL be hiccups. Whose fault? Does not matter. Fix them, then find your passion again or leave. Don’t stop ‘fixing’ until you LOVE your imperfect company and energizing job. Do it for your company, do it for your customer, but mostly do it for you!
“If you want to love what you do, do what you love” – Irma Parone
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